About Properties West

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San Pedro, CA, United States
At Properties West our team of professionals realizes that just as every property is unique so is the objective of every owner. Since our inception in 1981, we have been an industry leader in the management of residential homes, apartment buildings and condominiums. Please take a moment to review the time and money saving services we offer which provide the utmost in property management.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Q and A with Prop West

Q) One of my tenants reported a stoppage in the toilet. A plumber was sent immediately and found the cause to be a small toy that was flushed down the toilet. I informed the tenant that they are responsible for paying for this repair since it was tenant caused. The tenant is refusing to pay the plumbing bill. What should I do?

A) Many, if not most, rental agreements state that a tenant is liable for a repair if it was caused by tenant negligence. Serve the tenant with the plumbing invoice and ask for payment. If they do not pay serve the tenants with a "notice to cure or quite." Then if they do not pay the invoice or move out within the three day period you can start eviction.

1 comment:

Mike Rux said...

Sounds like your organization is a class act, maybe let the tenant go for a while, and make up the expense in other places. Our portable toilet rental company has experienced similar problems, and remember the customer is most important, but business comes first...thanks for sharing....