About Properties West

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San Pedro, CA, United States
At Properties West our team of professionals realizes that just as every property is unique so is the objective of every owner. Since our inception in 1981, we have been an industry leader in the management of residential homes, apartment buildings and condominiums. Please take a moment to review the time and money saving services we offer which provide the utmost in property management.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Q and A with Prop West

Q) I didn't know that the new building I bought had coin-operated machines that were on a self-renewing lease. Supposedly it is now too late to cancel the service. Am I stuck with these machines for another 5 years?

A) Most likely, yes, you are. The only exception would be if the self-renewing provision was not in "boldface" type at the beginning of the lease and at the end where all parties sign. Per civil code 1945.5 this can be unenforceable.

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